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Add Image

Why you should add images

Adding images to blog writing serves several purposes:

  1. Capturing Reader Attention: Images increase the visual appeal of an article, making readers more inclined to linger on your blog. A striking image can instantly grab a reader's attention and pique their interest.
  2. Enhancing Reading Experience: Images enrich the reading experience, aiding readers in better understanding the content of the article. Especially for complex concepts or processes, using images for illustration can be more intuitive and understandable.
  3. Increasing Shareability: When sharing blog articles on social media, having attractive images can increase the shareability and click-through rates. People are more likely to share content that is visually appealing.
  4. Improving Search Engine Rankings: Using relevant images with descriptive tags and captions can improve the blog post's ranking in search engines. Search engines often consider the quality and relevance of images, making them important for SEO purposes.
  5. Boosting Credibility: Proper use of images can enhance the credibility and professionalism of an article. For example, if you're citing data or statistics, presenting them with relevant charts or graphs can make your claims more believable.

Where you should place your image of choice.

We will add images in the following locations:

  1. Cover image at the Beginning: Placing a captivating image below the title can grab the reader's attention and generate interest in the content.
  2. Below Subheadings: The article is divided into sections or subsections. Adding relevant images below each subheading can help readers distinguish between different parts.

Where do QuickCreator's images come from?

We obtain images from free and open image libraries, including unsplash and pexels. These images can be shared, edited, and can be used commercially, so there is no need to worry about copyright issues.